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Mizvah of Writing a Sefer Torah

We are starting (bli neder) the important mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah in memory of our beloved daughters

Chani Rosenfield z"l
and Hadas Gottlieb z"l
who were next door neighboors.

The Sefer Torah will be dedicated to Kehillat Ahavat Tzion in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel to the shul both families belong to.

Click here for Donation Information

Chana Liora Rosenfield was the first child in her family to be born in Israel after her parents made Aliya 5 years ago from New York. Chani was just three years old when she succumbed to Cancer 12 Sivan 5764 after a heroic and inspiring struggle.

Chani enjoyed every moment of life and taught others the importance of chesed, even while she suffered, and left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of anyone who knew her.

Chani taught others to appreciate every moment in life. She was good-natured and happy, she took everything in stride and with a smile. Chani inspired people around the world to greater heights in prayer, chessed and unity. In her short life, Chani accomplished more than many do in an entire lifetime.

It is especially fitting to honor Chani and Hadas in the dedication of a Sefer Torah as they both personified a love of mitzvoth. Hadas' true love and dedication to each mitzvah was clear to anyone who was fortunate enough to witness a beautiful bracha uttered from Hadas' lips.

Chani's Aba recalls: "Chani was my mitzvah girl. From a young age she loved kissing mezuzot, going to shul with me and kissing the torah and aron kodesh, having "a lot and a little" of Kiddush as she liked to say, davening with me on the way home from shul, she was the one to put the Shabbos candles in, jumping on her bed as she would excitedly say Shema."


"Abba, I really want to dance in Hakafot for Simchat Torah," said Hadas. "I hope that next year I'll be well enough to dance in Hakafot." These were the words Hadas told her father on Simchat Torah 5765. Unfortunately, Hadas lived for only 3 weeks after that Simchat Torah as her health detioriated rapidly,after a sudden diagnosis of cancer. She returned her neshama to Hashem, pure and shining, at the age of 6 and a half.

"Ima, I know who I'm going to have dance with me at my birthday party in kindergarten.....2 kids that no one ever invites to dance, so I'll dance with them."
"Abba,what's the bracha for this ?"

These remarks depicted Hadas' sensitivity and good heartedness. Despite her young age, she was a very mature,responsible and loving child to her family, friends, cousins and younger siblings.

Her seriousness in remembering every brachah,word by word, was remarkable ,especially at her age. Even after falling ill, on her last days in the hospital, she didn't forget to say brachot out loud so that we could answer Amen.

Hadas' love for mitzvot and to listen to torah stories and lessons, helped us decide to have a Sefer Torah written and dedicated in her name, together with Chani Rosenfield z"l.

לזכרון עולם בהיכל ה' - "ונתתי להם בביתי ובחומותי יד ושם…..שם עולם אתן לו אשר לא יכרת" (ישעיהו נ"ה)

"ועתה כיתבו לכם את השירה הזאת" (דברים ל"א/י"ט)

Contributions to the Sefer Torah Fund can be sent to:

  • Rosenfield, Shvil Hagichon 5/1, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel 99624

Please make checks payable to 'Kehillat Ahavat Tzion' and reference the Hadas and Chani Sefer Torah fund in the check memo. Should you require a tax deductible receipt, please notify us in advance at daniel.rosenfield@intel.com.

Wired Donations:

Donations (Israeli Shekels) can also be wired directly to Kehillat Ahavat Tzion at Bank Hapoalim (10), Ramat Bet Shemesh Branch (446), Account Number - 9164, Account Name - Kehillat Ahavat Tzion - Sefer Torah Fund.

Foreign Currency - Wired Donations:

Donations (Israeli Shekels) can also be wired directly to Swift Code: POALILIT, Bank Hapoalim (10), Ramat Bet Shemesh Branch (446), Account Number - 9164, Account Name - Kehillat Ahavat Tzion - Sefer Torah Fund.

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