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The following were Halana's remarks at Chani's levayah:

(You can also read Daniel's remarks.)

I feel that there are 2 personalities that together help give the fuller picture of who Chani was and is. There is חנה ליאורה בת הינדה חשה חוה (Chana Liora bat Hinda Chasha Chava), who so many people around the world relate to and there is Chani Banani, who those close to her were privileged to be touched by.

חנה ליאורה (Chana Liora) was named after Daniel's Zeidy, Elchanan. He was called “Chunah” in Europe and was named after his grandmother חנה. Zeidy was a בעל תפילה (Ba'al Tefilla) and a בעל תוקע (Ba'al tokea) who Daniel felt so close to. The name חנה (Chana) also relates to the חנה (Chana) in נביא (Navi) from whom we learn how to daven. Given this connection between Zeidy's name, Elchanan and his connection to תפילה (tefilla), to davening, we felt that the name would be appropriate. The name ליאורה (Liora) was a last minute addition that we felt, being that Chani was our first sabra born child, was fitting. ליאורה (Liora) from the pasuk " "אור חדש על ציון תאיר - A new light will shine on Zion.

They say that when one names a child they have a bit of רוח הקודש (ruach hakodesh). Never in our wildest dreams did we think that Chani would be a חנה (Chana), one who inspires תפילה (tefilla). We have an e-mail list miles long of people davening and taking on new מצוות (mitzvot) or כוונה (kavanas) because of Chani. One girl in 12th grade in Australia, who we never met sent us an email saying that she was sent our website and said that she said all of tehillim over her summer vacation בזכות (b'zchut) Chani. There are so many stories of people who have been inspired by her.

Was she an אור חדש (ohr chadash)? Yes. The מצוות (mitzvot) and אמונה (emunah) that she transpired was an ohr chadash. The unity that she brought, that should continue upon Zion was an אור חדש (ohr chadash). The sparkle in her eye was an אור חדש (ohr chadash). At a session on a Chai Lifeline retreat, parents were asked, “What is your light that keeps you going?” Daniel's immediate response was - “Chani.”

So many people didn't know the Chani but they did know the חנה ליאורה (Chana Liora). We knew it because many people would ask - “How is חנה ליאורה (Chana Liora)?” and we knew that they were davening.

Chani lived 3 very full years. She has, I believe fulfilled a very important תפקיד (tafkid) in taking part in תיקון אולם (tikun olam). She is no doubt in a good place / שמים/ heaven. She died in her sleep. If this is the purpose of עולם הזה (olam hazeh) then what more could I ask for my child?

Chani, as she is known by those who have really gotten to know her, was a fun spirited, smart and endearing little girl. (Although she would have told you that she is a big girl because she is 3, Lilach is 5 and Eli is 1.) The twinkle in her eye and the way she looked up at you said it all. I love her and will always miss her.

She really didn't know that she was special or that she was sick. The hospital was like her school. She would go in, do what she had to do, play and go home. Sometimes she didn't even want to leave. She smiled and played with all the nurses and staff. I picture her laughing and making silly faces with her friends from זיכרון מנחם (zichron menachem). I remember her after she was unhooked from the IV - running down the halls shouting - “I'm going home, I'm going home”. Older patients liked to watch her play. At just 1and a half years she would push her IV pole around to get to the playroom or she would stand on the wheels and go for a ride while we pushed.

She loved to play with her sister Lilach. The 2 of them could play for hours, each taking turns being the baby. Lilach will miss Chani more than anyone.

Chani was endearing. I remember putting her to bed and as I'd sit next to her bed she would put her face right up to mine and say, “I like your eyebrows” or “I like your face”. One night we thought Chani had been sleeping for an hour but all of a sudden we see her at the top of the stairs with her sunglasses on, her high heeled shoes and her pocket book ready to play. She loved life and enjoyed it.

Chani was diagnosed a year and a half ago, but Chani wasn't dying until a week ago. Everyone's days are numbered it was only more obvious with Chani.

Chani was living. She taught us how to live, How to love life and the people around you.

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